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Peng Wang (王鹏)
Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.
- Sherlock Holmes
Research Scientist
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About me:

I obtained PhD from University of California, Los Angeles under the supervision of Prof. Alan Yuille.
Currently join Baidu IDL US for doing more amazing research, feel free to contact with me : )
I received the M.S degree of Machine Intelligence at 2013 under the supervision of Prof. Gang Zeng and Prof. Hongbin Zha, and B.S. degree of Artificial Intelligence in Peking University in 2010. I was an student intern in MSRA in Media Computing with Jingdong Wang .
Google Scholar
Research Interests
My research interest is focusing on Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Image Processing.
Recently I am exploiting the possibility learning from video for 3D information
I upload a new research thoughts about how to learn visual system in an unsupervised manner that I am interested in. Please credit correspondingly if you borrow any ideas from it.
We are holding an Autonomous Driving Workshop at ECCV 2018
(Paper submission, Multiple Challenges and Speakers)
One ECCV(No.1 at KITTI stereo) & BMVC paper accepted.
Five CVPR paper accepted about 3D perception.
One AAAI paper accepted as Oral, code will be released
One CVPR paper accepted, dataset of PASCAL human part and joint
Two ECCV and one NIPS paper accepted
One ICCV and one AAAI paper accepted,
Check our PASCAL part challenge (here)
One CVPR paper accepted
Our code for detailed image segmentation error factor analysis is available.
Our dataset for aethetic image cropping is available online.
Our dataset in Salient object detection is available for download, including both object images and background images
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